Innovative, private educational resource company
Serving Tallahassee, North Florida,
and Beyond

About us
SolutionSkills, Inc. is an innovative, private educational resource company serving the Tallahassee and North Florida area since 1987.
Our Philosophy
We believe that individuals can learn skills to be successful and self-sufficient. We also believe that educational and related services should be geared toward helping a person reach his or her potential through a caring, personal intervention with concerned educational professionals at a reasonable cost.
SolutionSkills offers a variety of innovative programs.
From education, learning, and mental health, we have delivered effective programs for individuals, groups and entities. Our primary services include tutoring, test prep, college admissions assistance, study skills, counseling, and free community outreach initiatives.
We have continued to adapt how we deliver our programs by including a full online capability for almost all of what we do. We have also partnered with other educational entities such as Florida State University, Florida A&M University, and area private schools. Helping parents and students navigate issues from parenting to college admissions process has become one of our specialties. We have offered free workshops on getting into college, finding scholarships and mindfulness. Learn more about our wide variety of services by exploring all parts of our website.
In Person & Online
We offer 1-on-1 instruction with most K-12 academic subjects
Test Prep
SAT, ACT and GRE programs are taught in classes and with 1-on1 instruction
College Admissions
College admissions help for students and parents is available on request
Study Skills
Individual and workshop programs deliver ways to study and learn more efficiently
Private therapy is available from Mr. Vickers who is a licensed mental health counselor
Popular Online Instruction
Popular Online Prep Courses & 1 on 1 Tutoring
SAT 3 Day Express Class
Ace the ACT Class
Online 1 on 1 Tutoring
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